Holding an event in your Parliament
This initiative gives me the opportunity to reiterate the Inter-Parliamentary Union's commitment and determination to work tirelessly for the elimination of child labour.
The 2025 deadline challenges us all to step up the game to quicken the pace of our efforts.
Find out more: ipu.org
Martin Chungong
Secretary General,
Inter-Parliamentary Union
Information for Parliamentarians
The United Nations designated this year as the International Year for the Elimination of Child labour, and we are rising to this urgent challenge with a global initiative: Fair Share to End Child Labour, convened by Nobel Laureate, and lifetime defender of child rights, Kailash Satyarthi.
The power of Parliamentarians
Parliamentarians have long been a crucial part of progress on eliminating child labour and together with the IPU and a global coalition of Nobel Laureates, faith, trade union and business leaders, youth organisations and other UN agencies and civil society, we are asking Parliamentarians across the world to continue demonstrating strong leadership to eradicate this injustice.
We invite all Parliamentarians to organize a special parliamentary session on child labour during 2021 to officially mark the United Nations Year in their country and to discuss the issue directly with survivors.
Amplifying survivors' voices
Despite 1 in 10 children around the world still working to survive instead of learning in school, their voices and experiences are rarely heard by wider society, even less so in powerful decision-making spaces such as Parliaments. We are calling on Parliamentarians to hold a special session that provides a platform for survivors of child labour to share their testimony with their representatives. In doing so, Parliamentarians can play a critical role in challenging the marginalisation faced by child labourers and their families.
How we will support you
The Fair Share to End Child Labour organisers, both globally and nationally where they exist, as well as the Inter-Parliamentary Union, will support you and your office to plan and deliver a special parliamentary session. We also welcome you to share any other initiative you may be taking to mark the UN Year for the Elimination of Child Labour.
If you are interested in hearing more, please fill in the form below and we will be in contact shortly to arrange the next steps.
The International Year and the Fair Share campaign give us a chance to complete our commitment to end child labour by 2025.
A Fair Share for everybody is part of the ILO mandate for social justice. It goes to the heart of the matter.
Guy Ryder
International Labour Organization
The COVID-19 pandemic has put in peril decades of progress on eradicating child labour by pushing many families into poverty.
The OECD is fully committed to the three-pronged approach called for by the Fair Share campaign.
We must act now and the only way is to act together.
Angel Gurria