School and campus events
Connecting child labour survivors with students around the world

As part of the collective effort to eliminate child labour this year, we are inviting schools, colleges and campuses around the world to hold a lesson or event that hears directly from a survivor of child labour and supports global understanding about this issue.
The 100 Million campaign, together with the world's largest student-led organisations and survivors themselves, are co-creating this innovative, international project, and we hope you will join us by signing up to take part.
How will it work?
Using video conferencing technology, we will invite a survivor of child labour to share their testimony directly with students as part of a lesson or event marking the UN Year for the Elimination of Child Labour.
Connecting survivors with other young people is an important step in building the global understanding necessary to ensure all of the world’s children are learning in school, accessing their rights, and living free to enjoy their childhood.
We are working closely with expert partners who directly support the welfare of, and provide training for, survivors of child labour, and are already connected with almost 100 survivors from India, who are now powerful advocates to end this exploitation and realise the right of every child to go to school.

Ready-to-use resources
We have produced a range of resources that you are welcome to use to help plan and run your lesson or event. These will be tailored based on your role as a teacher, student or group leader.
Resources include:​​
Introductory video
Guidance for hearing survivor testimony
PowerPoint Presentations
Case studies and interactive activities
Active Citizenship activities
Project partners
As part of the Fair Share to End Child Labour campaign, this project has been developed in close partnership between child labour survivors, the world's largest representative student unions and the 100 Million campaign, a global youth-led movement defending the rights of the world's most marginalised children to be free, safe and educated.

Coming soon!
We will be fully launching this exciting programme later in April 2021, but for now you can be one of the first to test out our resources and connect your class, or fellow student community, with our network of child labour survivors.
Sign up below to join our school and campus mailing list and be the first to receive updates and resources.